Words of Wisdom from One Busy College Student to Another

Words of Wisdom from One Busy College Student to Another

  As someone who has been involved in everything from sports, to student council executive board, to even burrito club, I understand the value of being involved in organizations. However, I also understand how easy it can be to go through life feeling far too...
4 Common Misconceptions about the Professional World

4 Common Misconceptions about the Professional World

  Although not technically considered a working-class adult yet, I am on my fourth internship since beginning my college career in 2016. I agree, this still doesn’t quite make me an expert on the professional world, but one of those internships was with Southwest...
Vanilla Ice and Shift•ology: Check Out the Hook

Vanilla Ice and Shift•ology: Check Out the Hook

By Melanie Wilt Shift•ologists love the 90s. Some of us can remember more than others. No, not because we were in drug-induced comas (we said 90s, not 70s), but because one of our team members was born in that decade. As we’ve explained to Emily, Vanilla Ice was...

Where’s the “Reality” in Virtual Reality Farm Tours?

By Dan Toland A lot of money, time and effort is spent by well-meaning organizations these days to produce recorded virtual reality tours or videos that end up high on “bells and whistles” but absurdly low on reach and engagement. Considering these experiences are...