March 10, 2021

Virtual Experiences – Where are we now?

For some, sitting in a Zoom meeting could be considered boring. To us, it’s an opportunity to explore our creativity and help our partners find ways to connect and communicate with their audiences. This last year’s challenges have become opportunities to unleash our collective creativity to produce custom experiences for meaningful wins.
November 18, 2021

About-Face: 5 Reasons Virtual Farm Trips Will Still Outperform Physical Tours Beyond the Pandemic

The big question now in the education space is whether virtual field trips will stay hot or go by the wayside once things “get back to normal?” I have at least 5 reasons why VFTs will become even more standard in the classroom and why I’d argue they’re even BETTER than an in-person, on-farm experience. 
February 10, 2023

Virtual Engagement for Dairy Nutrition

United Dairy Industry of Michigan partnered with Shift•ology’s Virtual Experiences team in 2022 for the development and execution of a three-part “Breakfast and a Book” LIVE virtual learning series, providing elementary students a unique opportunity to connect directly with farmers, professional athletes and children's book authors from the comfort of their classrooms.
February 10, 2023

Reaching 250,000+ Students with Technology

American Dairy Association North East partnered with Shift•ology Communication’s Virtual Farm Trips team in 2018 to develop an ongoing series of LIVE Virtual Farm Trips targeting K-12 students within the association’s region, including the states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and parts of northern Virginia.