May 18, 2023

Is AI here to take our jobs?

It can be challenging to think that artificial intelligence (AI) could reduce — or even eliminate — the need for writers, designers and other communication professionals. We decided to ask ChatGPT, one of many AI tools that exist, what the pros and cons are to using this technology.
May 26, 2023

A Lot Can Change in 15 Years

June 12, 2023

Deep Thoughts on Deep Fakes

Deep fakes make it look like a person said or did something they never actually did. While they can be used for harmless purposes, I’ve become concerned for risks this poses to corporations, leaders, brands and individuals.
June 12, 2023

Soft is for Babies’ Bottoms, Marshmallows & Leather. Not Communication!

Referring to communication as a "soft skill" undermines the importance of listening, speaking and building understanding. Communication is the science of creating meaning, which is complex and requires a number of hard technical tools that can be practiced and improved upon by those at any level of skill.