October 14, 2020

A Simple Formula for Civil Discourse

Americans everywhere seem to be struggling to find ways to express deeply personal -- perhaps conflicting -- feelings about very important issues, such as race relations, culture, spirituality and politics. We could do as our parents taught us and attempt to avoid all conversation that has to do with politics, religion and sex, or we can apply some simple communication strategies to help us through these difficult conversations with our heads, hearts and relationships intact. 
January 22, 2021

Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association Message Resource

This message map is provided as a resource for attendees at OPGMA's annual meeting. Melanie Wilt's 3 p.m. Wednesday session on Authentic Voices explained using a message map as a science-based approach to effective communication. Be Confident. Be Proactive. Be Yourself!
February 4, 2021

Metrics + PR(Mar-Comm) = Business Wins

There’s a long-running joke around the Shift•ology office we don’t do math. Correction. None of us like to do math; but we do it nearly every day in the practice of public relations.
February 8, 2021

Without Listening, Communication is Incomplete

Listening: the most undervalued, yet crucial communication skill. I think most Americans would agree that listening is a lost art and that perhaps our country could be more unified if we would all spend more time practicing this skill.