June 19, 2018

Buh Bye Monsanto – Why Even Your Agriculture Allies Won’t Miss This Brand

Ah, Monsanto. A name that comes with chills, jabs, jokes, memes and even Marches Against. Once research giant Monsanto’s $60 billion merger with Bayer is complete, the Monsanto brand will be retired - a move that many of us in the agriculture industry never thought we’d see, and for which we have waited too long.
September 19, 2018

Celebrating a Decade of Lessons Learned

Ten years ago today, I woke up the owner of brand new public relations business and a dream. The week before, I had walked away from my six figure job with a small contract.
September 25, 2018

10 Years of Personal Growth

When I started this enterprise, I had a 2 year old (CJ) and a 4-month-old (Addie), and the delusion that being self-employed would actually make work-life balance easier. Cute, huh?
October 25, 2018

Where’s the “Reality” in Virtual Reality Farm Tours?

By Dan Toland A lot of money, time and effort is spent by well-meaning organizations these days to produce recorded virtual reality tours or videos that […]