Throughout my internship at Shift•ology Communication, I gained several new and improved skills to take into my senior year at Bowling Green State University.
Whether you’re headed to a large tradeshow, small job fair, or hosting a virtual event booth, what you bring to the show matters. Here are seven tips for success as you navigate the new show year.
Effective leadership is vital to the long-term success of any organization. Leaders shape the culture, train the future, and make the decisions that bring organizations to life. While a lot of credit is given to natural-born leaders, leadership is mostly a character trait that is learned over time. Learning these 10 traits will help you improve your leadership quality, and put you in a good place to lead effectively.
The big question now in the education space is whether virtual field trips will stay hot or go by the wayside once things “get back to normal?” I have at least 5 reasons why VFTs will become even more standard in the classroom and why I’d argue they’re even BETTER than an in-person, on-farm experience.
These days, every agribusiness is mired in sustainability regulations, programs and plans. Your agribusiness can benefit from the stamp of approval that comes from H2Ohio or 4R certification or your own branded sustainability program, but the requirements can be staggering. And, while these things provide proof of your good intentions and nice talking points for your state and local elected officials, what do your efforts actually mean to your farmer customers?
These days, every agribusiness is mired in sustainability regulations, programs and plans. Your agribusiness can benefit from the stamp of approval that comes from H2Ohio or 4R certification or your own branded sustainability program, but the requirements can be staggering. And, while these things provide proof of your good intentions and nice talking points for your state and local elected officials, what do your efforts actually mean to your farmer customers?
The Shift•ology Communication mom-squad (Kari, Mel, Marin and Emily) wish you and yours a Happy Mother’s Day. We know this day is not an easy one for some women, and for those of you who are missing your mom, a child or an empty place where a child might exist, please know we hold you up on this holiday too — for all the love and nurturing you bring to those around you.
For some, sitting in a Zoom meeting could be considered boring. To us, it’s an opportunity to explore our creativity and help our partners find ways to connect and communicate with their audiences. This last year’s challenges have become opportunities to unleash our collective creativity to produce custom experiences for meaningful wins.
Listening: the most undervalued, yet crucial communication skill. I think most Americans would agree that listening is a lost art and that perhaps our country could be more unified if we would all spend more time practicing this skill.
There’s a long-running joke around the Shift•ology office we don’t do math. Correction. None of us like to do math; but we do it nearly every day in the practice of public relations.
This message map is provided as a resource for attendees at OPGMA's annual meeting. Melanie Wilt's 3 p.m. Wednesday session on Authentic Voices explained using a message map as a science-based approach to effective communication. Be Confident. Be Proactive. Be Yourself!