Effective communication in healthcare is crucial, especially in rural communities where resources can be limited, healthcare challenges unique and audience opinions strong.
“Personal branding” has become increasingly prevalent with the advent and growth of social media, as individuals harness the power of these platforms to showcase who they are and build their own brands. Here are some takeaways and tips to help ensure your personal brand is on point as you set out on your PR career journey.
Shift•ology Communication ranked 10th on the 2024 O'Dwyer's list of top Agricultural PR Firms, a testament to the company's expertise in the science of communication.
“Pro Bono”...it’s a funny sounding phrase, but what exactly does it mean? And what’s so “pro” about it? We defined and discussed the nuances of pro bono work and the benefits it can have for client, agency and the community during a recent episode of our “Shooting the Shift” podcast featuring Eddie Bell of the Springfield, Ohio Rotary Club, the host of an annual gourmet food truck competition that has become Springfield’s “Must Taste Event of the Summer.”
Imagine standing in a room, holding a piece of paper that represents the length of your overwhelming to-do list. Now, look around as your colleagues arrange themselves from those with the longest list to those with the shortest. This simple activity vividly captures the weight of tasks we carry daily and the varying strategies employed to manage them.
In a world where the next big things emerge faster than courses can be prepared to teach them, how are colleges working to equip the next generation of communication professionals
We pride ourselves on staying in-the-know and continuously updating our practices and policies to ensure our team is doing our best work for you. In the interest of full transparency and accountability, we want to keep you informed about a few policy changes that will help us to provide more streamlined service.
In the fast-paced world of business, time is a precious commodity. Every minute counts, and efficiency is key to staying ahead. It can be exhausting to sit in meetings all day with no time to deliver on the action items you were assigned in said meeting. One powerful strategy that savvy professionals are increasingly turning to is the concept of “5-minute meetings.” These brief but focused gatherings offer a multitude of benefits, from keeping business on track to fostering a culture of productivity. I’m finding these laser-focused meetings and phone calls make my days much more productive and less stressful.
Sara McKinniss was Melanie’s first legally-hired employee when Wilt Public Relations was launched in 2008. The early days of the company were spent working at Melanie’s home in South Charleston, Ohio.
Tyler skipped a marketing class to take an internship at Wilt PR, which he somehow obtained despite hand-delivering his resume to the intern that had already filled the position. His efforts and attention to detail left an impression as he went on to become a social media specialist for Wilt during the medium’s infancy.
A former White House intern, political campaign worker, Brad Boyer brought unique insights that helped establish a winning culture and Shift•ology Communciation