June 20, 2019

Words of Wisdom from One Busy College Student to Another

At the beginning of my sophomore year, I realized that a year had gone by and I hadn’t made an effort to get involved in a single one of the 1,300 student organizations at Ohio State. I had been crazy involved up until this point in my life, so I was pretty disappointed in myself for wasting the past year. So, I got to work.
June 21, 2019

Navigating through College

As I've submerged myself in the agriculture industry, taking every networking opportunity that comes my way and adding to my portfolio, I've realized there's a world of opportunities out there I did not know existed when I was a 13-year-old who thought I had it all figured out. I've very recently realized my path doesn't have to be so straight and narrow.
March 13, 2020

Spring Cleaning Your Social Media

The weather is getting warmer, flowers are starting to bloom and people across the country are taking some time to participate in the time-honored tradition of […]
April 1, 2020

Identifying the Right Spokesperson No Matter the Situation

Communicating about complex scientific issues is difficult on a normal day, but add stress, and it can be downright overwhelming. Communication changes when concern is rampant […]