December 7, 2018

Things you never thought you’d see: Check-off a Bacon Machine

The bacon vending machine introduced this week at Ohio State University’s College of Food, Ag & Environmental Sciences has received a ton of press. How exactly does an association of farmers and an academic institution come up with and execute a crazy idea like bacon for a buck?
April 8, 2019

Five Questions to Ask Before Delegating Social Media to the Intern

If I had a dollar for every time a client or colleague told me they were planning to hire an intern to manage their Facebook page, I'd be a very rich woman. Because social media is something that has come to business in the last decade, leaders have erroneously associated social media with youth and disassociated it with business strategy.
April 8, 2019

Vanilla Ice and Shift•ology: Check Out the Hook

As we've explained to Emily, Vanilla Ice was solving problems like a lyrical poet before she was even born. And, there's a lesson in that. You might think of creative strategy as art that applies to sales and marketing (or rap music for that matter), but creative strategy can be pivotal in solving - yo - business's biggest problems. 
June 20, 2019

4 Common Misconceptions about the Professional World

As an intern with Southwest Airlines,I learned a lot of things during a professional development day that were the exact opposite of what I had been told over and over again by professionals thus far in my college career, including these four common misconceptions.