November 22, 2022

Stop Saying It! 5 Trite Ag Clichés to Retire

Are we able to recognize the clichés that have resulted from our insufferable repetition of agriculture industry jargon? We want to encourage the industry in joining us to let go of these colloquial phrases that no longer serve us.
February 16, 2023

What’s the BEEF All About?

In the last couple weeks, my Facebook feed has been sprinkled with information comparing ground beef purchased at a grocery store with that from a local farm. The premise of the post was to promote the notion that “local” ground beef is a safer, more nutritious option. As tempting as it is to agree with that, the opposite is actually true!
March 14, 2023

Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging

I was recently asked by a client to share some ideas with their partners to create a culture of belonging in their organizations. This non-profit serves about thirty other non-profit ministries who are part of their umbrella organization; equipping their members is a big part of what they do. As I reflected on the advice we shared, I recognized how important a culture of belonging is to all organizations and workplaces — non-profit and for-profit, as well as internal and external. So, I adapted this article to share the insights more broadly. Here it is…
April 20, 2023

Elevate Your Communication by Shifting from Art to Science

Starting a science-based communication approach means setting aside your assumptions and listening to what your target audience needs and wants from you, what will make their lives better, and how you can answer that need with your products or services.