February 21, 2024

Policy Changes Have our Clients’ Best Interest in Mind

We pride ourselves on staying in-the-know and continuously updating our practices and policies to ensure our team is doing our best work for you. In the interest of full transparency and accountability, we want to keep you informed about a few policy changes that will help us to provide more streamlined service. 
March 18, 2024

Preparing the Next Generation of Communication Professionals

In a world where the next big things emerge faster than courses can be prepared to teach them, how are colleges working to equip the next generation of communication professionals
April 22, 2024

Stop Being Busy And Start Being Awesome

Imagine standing in a room, holding a piece of paper that represents the length of your overwhelming to-do list. Now, look around as your colleagues arrange themselves from those with the longest list to those with the shortest. This simple activity vividly captures the weight of tasks we carry daily and the varying strategies employed to manage them.
April 29, 2024

The Pros of Pro Bono

“Pro Bono”...it’s a funny sounding phrase, but what exactly does it mean? And what’s so “pro” about it? We defined and discussed the nuances of pro bono work and the benefits it can have for client, agency and the community during a recent episode of our “Shooting the Shift” podcast featuring Eddie Bell of the Springfield, Ohio Rotary Club, the host of an annual gourmet food truck competition that has become Springfield’s “Must Taste Event of the Summer.”