Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging

Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging

Boost Belonging in 2023 Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging   By Melanie Wilt, Shift•ology Communication I was recently asked by a client to share some ideas with their partners to create a culture of belonging in their organizations. This non-profit serves...
What’s the BEEF All About?

What’s the BEEF All About?

What’s the BEEF All About? Fear-Based Marketing Undermines Consumer Confidence   By Carley Roberts In the last couple weeks, my Facebook feed has been sprinkled with information comparing  ground beef purchased at a grocery store with that from a local...
Stop Saying It! 5 Trite Ag Clichés to Retire

Stop Saying It! 5 Trite Ag Clichés to Retire

Stop Saying It! 5 Trite Ag Clichés to Retire   By Melanie Wilt Clichés are phrases that have lost their meaning from being so overused in society. We notice these rote phrases in everyday language, like “thinking outside the box,” “low-hanging fruit” and “close...
Bulletproof Your PR Budget

Bulletproof Your PR Budget

Bulletproof Your PR Budget By Melanie Wilt The last few years have given us record stock markets (both highs and lows), a pandemic, natural disasters and a completely new workforce dynamic. While there are very few things that are for certain, there are a number of...