February 16, 2023

What’s the BEEF All About?

In the last couple weeks, my Facebook feed has been sprinkled with information comparing ground beef purchased at a grocery store with that from a local farm. The premise of the post was to promote the notion that “local” ground beef is a safer, more nutritious option. As tempting as it is to agree with that, the opposite is actually true!
February 10, 2023

Reaching 250,000+ Students with Technology

American Dairy Association North East partnered with Shift•ology Communication’s Virtual Farm Trips team in 2018 to develop an ongoing series of LIVE Virtual Farm Trips targeting K-12 students within the association’s region, including the states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and parts of northern Virginia.
February 10, 2023

Virtual Engagement for Dairy Nutrition

United Dairy Industry of Michigan partnered with Shift•ology’s Virtual Experiences team in 2022 for the development and execution of a three-part “Breakfast and a Book” LIVE virtual learning series, providing elementary students a unique opportunity to connect directly with farmers, professional athletes and children's book authors from the comfort of their classrooms.
February 10, 2023

Brand Packaging to Build Customer Buy-in

Luckey Farmers’ agronomists were having difficulty explaining to their farmer customers the value of their three technology software products that work together to streamline farm operations. Through our neuromarketing process, we created the “Luckey3 Tech Bundle”.