by Dan Toland | Jun 12, 2023 | News
Soft is for Babies’ Bottoms, Marshmallows & Leather. Not Communication! By Melanie Wilt, APR I die a little inside every time I hear someone talk about the “soft skill” of communication. This has been common vernacular in business, but it’s time for this to...
by Dan Toland | Jun 12, 2023 | News
Deep Thoughts on Deep Fakes By Melanie Wilt, APR I recently attended a conference for agency owners with a great session on ethical considerations for today’s communicators. This session made me think about “deep fakes” in a different light than I had before, and I’ve...
by Dan Toland | May 26, 2023 | News
A Lot Can Change in 15 Years By Melanie Wilt, APR The last 15 years have brought significant changes in technology and the workplace that impact how we communicate personally and with the masses. No other time in history has seen so much change in the way our...
by Dan Toland | May 18, 2023 | News
Is AI here to take our jobs? By Carley Roberts, Shift•ology Communication We’ve been asking the same question. It can be challenging to think that artificial intelligence (AI) could reduce — or even eliminate — the need for writers, designers and other...
by Dan Toland | Apr 20, 2023 | News
Elevate Your Communication by Shifting from Art to Science It Starts with Research By Melanie Wilt, Shift•ology Communication Using data to drive your communication decisions will save you time, money and guesswork. At Shift•ology, one of our core philosophies...