by Dan Toland | Jan 5, 2018 | News
By Melanie Wilt, Shift•ology After working with five classes of Ohio AgriBusiness Association LAUNCH leaders (nearly 100 participants!), eight classes of AgriPOWER and various executive clients over the years, I’ve been able to observe some of the...
by Dan Toland | Jul 11, 2017 | News
This event was held July 27, 2017. Registrations are no longer being accepted. School budgets for transportation and field trips have been cut. Most students have never stepped foot on a farm and need education to be prepared as tomorrow’s consumers. At the same time,...
by Dan Toland | Jun 6, 2017 | News
By: Melanie Wilt, APR We listen to get information. We listen to understand. We listen for enjoyment. We listen to learn. You would think with all this listening we do, we would be good at it! But most of us are not. Depending on the study being quoted, we remember a...
by Dan Toland | Apr 25, 2017 | News
Shift•ology Communication Launching at National Agri-Marketing Association’s Annual Conference SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (April 26, 2017) – After nearly 10 years in business, bioscience agency Wilt Public Relations is rebranding as Shift•ology Communication to better...