October 14, 2020

A Simple Formula for Civil Discourse

Americans everywhere seem to be struggling to find ways to express deeply personal -- perhaps conflicting -- feelings about very important issues, such as race relations, culture, spirituality and politics. We could do as our parents taught us and attempt to avoid all conversation that has to do with politics, religion and sex, or we can apply some simple communication strategies to help us through these difficult conversations with our heads, hearts and relationships intact. 
October 9, 2020

Vocational Education Lessons that Stuck

Sure, I heard from my Family and Consumer Sciences teachers that these would be important “down the road,” but I certainly didn’t appreciate how much until I came to rely on them on nearly every day in business, community service and life.
July 6, 2020

American Dairy Association Indiana Goes Virtual

Having a strong working relationship with Shift•ology and familiarity with our technical and virtual meeting expertise, ADAI reached out to explore the possibility of turning an annual two-day, in-person conference for health professionals into a series of seven interactive webinars, including a Virtual Farm Trip, featuring a variety of dairy and health industry related presenters.
June 17, 2020

We’re Over It

As we go about setting goals, creating marketing messages and developing events and promotions, I can't emphasize enough how much people want to feel normal and positive. We all want to feel at peace when it seems like nothing is predictable anymore. The taste of a purchased meal in a familiar place, the comfort of a night at home with family (because we chose it), or the smell of the gas pump (because we had somewhere to go) are comforting beyond belief right now.