A Simple Formula for Civil Discourse

A Simple Formula for Civil Discourse

By Melanie Wilt Americans everywhere seem to be struggling to find ways to express deeply personal — perhaps conflicting — feelings about very important issues, such as race relations, culture, spirituality and politics. We could do as our parents taught...
Vocational Education Lessons that Stuck

Vocational Education Lessons that Stuck

By Melanie Wilt Every workforce discussion these days seems to revolve around a couple key themes. Our hands-on workforce has dwindled, and there is steep competition for skilled tradesmen and women in all fields. At the same time, education’s focus over decades was...
American Dairy Association Indiana Goes Virtual

American Dairy Association Indiana Goes Virtual

American Dairy Association Indiana has been conducting Virtual Farm Trips with the help of Shift•ology’s Virtual Farm Trips program for the past few years. When restrictions were announced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, like most organizations, ADAI was faced...
We’re Over It

We’re Over It

Network television, ESPN’s 24 hour vault of old sports, radio and social media are teeming with corona catch-phrases, like “new norm,” “in it together” and “stay safe.” I’m already over the sappy commercials attempting...